Session 13
We know that sometimes lifestyle change is hard. Nobody is perfect, and slips happen. The important thing is to get back on track quickly.

What are Slips?
Slips are times when we do not follow our plans for healthy eating or being active. Slips are normal and happen to everyone at one time or other. However, slips do not always have to hurt our progress.
What hurts our progress is when we react to slips with negative thinking.

Why do we slip?
Slips, if repeated, become a habit. Similarly the way we react to slips is also a habit.
The Downward Spiral

Sara’s Story

Negative thought
Slip/ Harmful behavior
Negative Thought
Slip/Harmful behavior

The good news is that we can learn new ways to react to slips and get back on track again
Slips are normal and are to be expected. Just about everyone who tries to lose weight and be more active has slips.
A slip is a temporary setback not a failure. Overeating once, no matter how extreme, will NOT ruin everything. Just get back on your feet, and continue to work toward your goals.
After a Slip
Talk back to negative thoughts with positive thoughts
– Negative thoughts are your worst enemy. Talk back. “I am not a failure because I slipped. I am back on my feet again.”
Ask yourself how the slip happened.
– Learn from the slip. Can you avoid the cue in the future? Will you be able to handle the situation better?
Regain control as soon as possible
– Make your very next meal a healthy one. Get back on schedule with your activity plan right away.
Talk to someone supportive
– Contact your Lifestyle Coach or another friend and discuss your new plan for handling slips. Commit yourself to a new effort.
Focus on all the positive changes you made
– Weight loss is a journey with lots of small decisions and choices every day that add up over time. Focus on all the positive changes you have made and realize that you can get back on track.

Learn from past experience
Think about the situations that caused you to slip from your healthy eating and being active in the past
Plan how you can avoid repeating it
Come up with an action plan for getting back on track as soon as possible