Session 15
Get Support; Maximize your Chances of Success

Optimizing support from those around you
Al’s Story

At home, his kids complain about missing their favorite foods, like pizza and ice cream. His wife resents the time AI spends working out, instead of being with the family. His mom keeps telling him he’s just fine the way he is. And some of his coworkers often put out candy.
Can you relate?
Share facts about type 2 diabetes and how to prevent it.
Tell them why he is trying to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Give them regular updates on his progress.
Ask them nicely to support your efforts.
Engage in physical activities with him
Plan and shop for healthy meals with him
Cook and eat healthy food with him
How it went for Al

His wife now understands how important it is for Al to work out as a tool to stay healthy. In fact, the two of them now go out dancing sometimes. The whole family is now riding bikes on the weekends and his kids have stopped complaining about the changes in family meals.
Al’s mom now praises him for trying to become healthier. She’s even thinking about making some changes herself. And his coworkers have stopped putting out candy.
Al has also joined an online health community. He and the other members share tips and cheer each other on. Right now, they’re competing to see who can take the most steps each week.
Get Support through Groups, Classes, and Clubs
Join Weight Watchers in your community or other online weight loss groups
Informal or Formal Exercise group
Online health community and support group

Ways to Find Them
Ask your healthcare provider for recommendations.
Check with your local library, recreation center, community center, or senior center.
Look for postings at your gym.
Look in your community newspaper.
Search online (for health forums like MyFitnessPal, Weight Watchers etc)
Start your own with friends, coworkers.
Join a YMCA or Silver Sneakers in your community.
Contact the American Diabetes Association: 800-DIABETES (800-342-2383). www.diabetes.org
Get Support from Professionals
You can get useful advice from your physician and medical assistant, lifestyle coach, counselors and/or physical trainers.