Session 2
Finding Where Those Calories Come From
Session 2-2
Tools that will help make tracking what you eat easy and “do-able”.
Tools that will help make tracking what you eat easy and “do-able”.
Useful Tools:
Food and physical activity tracking app:
These apps allow you to enter the item and portion size you are eating and give you the calories and nutritional information for each as well as a daily running total. We highly recommend you become a frequent app user.
(nutrition sites or restaurant sites eg many restaurant chains provide nutrition information for their items) eg Chipotle, Starbucks etc.
Food Labels:
Provide the calories and nutritional information of food and drinks by portion size.
Measuring tools:
In order to know how many calories you are taking in, you need to know the quantities you are eating. Use measuring cups and spoons, a kitchen scale (to measure ounces of meats, fish or cheese) or everyday objects.
NOTE: Once you become familiar with portion sizes you will be able to estimate more accurately the amount and calories you are eating without having to use measuring tools each time.
Notebook, food log/diary and calorie counter:
If you struggle using a calorie tracking app, you can always use pencil and paper with a printed version of a calorie counter.
You can use everyday objects to “eyeball” serving size
Ping-pong ball
Serving size: 2 teaspoons
Serving size: 1 medium waffle
Tennis Ball
Serving size: 1/2 cup
Computer Mouse
Serving size: 1 medium baked potato
Palm of Your Hand, or a Deck of Cards
Serving size: 3 ounces of meat or poultry
4 Dice
Serving size: 1 ounce of cheese
Golf Ball
Serving size: 1/4 cup
Serving size: 1 Cup
Tennis Ball
Serving size: 1 medium apple